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We are an inclusive group that shares a love of modern quilting, sewing, textiles, and design.  Membership is open to all levels of quilters who are interested in any aspect of modern quilting. ​We are in Western Massachusetts.


"Look up" award-winning quilt by by Diane Wespiser

"Look Up", by NMQG member Diane Wespiser, won first place in the Modern Quilt Guild's 2021 Make a Difference Challenge, "Benefitting Trees for the Future".

What is Modern Quilting?
What is Modern Quilting?


Modern quilting is a term used by the Modern Quilt Guild (MQG), an international quilting guild founded in 2009, to define a style of quilting that has become popular in recent years. 


The MQG describes Modern Quilts as follows:


Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.


Quilters have been making quilts that can be described as modern for over a century, however,  the term "modern quilt" has come to be linked to quilts created in the 21st century as part of a recent movement whose popularity has been attributed to online communities.  


Each of our members interprets Modern Quilting in their own way.  Please check out our gallery to see the diverse way our members utilize the prinicples of modern quilting in their work. 

Why Join?
Why Join?

NMQG members enjoy:


  • Participating in a warm, lively community of local quilters online and in person
  • Ten meetings a year with a variety of topics, guest speakers, demonstrations, and show-and-tells

  • Priority registration and discounted fees for guild workshops

  • Participation in group projects, challenges and shows


As a member of the Northampton Modern Quilt Guild you will also automatically be a member of the international Modern Quilt Guild.  MQG members enjoy benefits such as:


  • Access to an international online quilt community including opportunities to participate in inter-guild swaps and challenges

  • Access to free monthly quilt patterns

  • Access to a free block of the month series

  • Access to monthly webinars   

  • Priority and early-bird registration for MQG conferences and events.

  • Discounted admission for MQG conferences and events

  • Membership cards, pins and permission to use the official member button on your blog


Interested in finding out more about the MQG?  Please check out their website.

What We Do at Meetings
What We Do at Meetings

Our meetings include a variety of experiences: we engage speakers who are related to the world of modern quilting, learn new quilt-making skills, and share personal projects.  We also plan events outside of our meetings such as workshops, sew-ins, and field trips to museum shows.  


Check out our Calendar to see what we have planned! ​​

Where and When
Where and When We Meet

The NMQG meets on the first Sunday of every the month (excluding July and August) from 12 - 2 p.m. If the first Sunday falls during a holiday weekend, we meet the following Sunday.


Meetings vary from in-person or via Zoom, depending on the program.

Zoom meetings are for members only.


Your first visit as a guest is free, and following visits are $5.

Exception: if we have a paid speaker, then there is a $10 fee.

If you are interested, please email


Please join us at our current meeting location: Rocky Hill Cohousing, 100 Black Birch Trail, Northampton, Massachusetts. This is off of Florence Road. Carpool if you can as parking is limited. Park on Black Birch Trail, before the guest parking sign.


Covid Policy

We encourage community members to stay home if they have symptoms. Feel free to wear a mask if you wish.




Join Us
Join Us

We would love to see you at our meetings! Guests are welcome! Your first visit is free and is $5 per meeting afterwards.  Ready to join?  Please contact us


Our fiscal year runs from January through December. Annual dues are $50 and must be paid by December 31st for the following year.  A late fee will be applied for all payments received after this date.  New members may join at any time and will be eligible for pro-rated dues. 


We never want to exclude someone due to lack of funds.  If you have a financial hardship, please contact one of our board members for options. 


All dues are payable by check made out to "NMQG" and can be hand-delivered at a meeting or mailed to the current treasurer. 


Board of Directors
Our Board for 2025

Co-Presidents :  Sarah Schattschneider & Jessa Tower

Vice President: Denise LeDuc

Secretary:  Caroline White

Treasurer:  Debbie Lovejoy

Board Member at Large: Barbara Stroup


Interested in a leadership position?  Please contact us.  Our guild relies on you to shape our future activities.

NMQG Members on Social Media
NMQG Members on the Web and Social Media

You can see more of what NMQG is up to on Instagram and Facebook


Many of our members also have websites or social media sites of their art:  

Are you a member that wants to have your site(s) listed?  Please contact us

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